Difference between SYSDBA and SYSOPER:-
SYSOPER privilege allows operations such as:
Instance startup, mount & database open ,
Instance shutdown, dismount & database close ,
Alter database BACKUP, ARCHIVE LOG, and RECOVER.
This privilege allows the user to perform basic operational tasks
without the ability to look at user data.
SYSDBA can do more than start/stop the database. It has a lot more functionality that sysoper (Operator mode) which is normally used for basic database functions such as start/stop.
SYSDBA privilege includes all SYSOPER privileges plus full system privileges
(with the ADMIN option), plus 'CREATE DATABASE' etc
This is effectively the same set of privileges available when
previously connected INTERNAL.
SYSDBA and SYSOPER are system privileges and don't misunderstand with DBA.DBA is a role which includes all system privileges excluding sysdba and sysoper.
(with the ADMIN option), plus 'CREATE DATABASE' etc
This is effectively the same set of privileges available when
previously connected INTERNAL.
SYSDBA and SYSOPER are system privileges and don't misunderstand with DBA.DBA is a role which includes all system privileges excluding sysdba and sysoper.
sysdba and sysoper can be granted to user for administrative tasks by sys user.
for instance:
grant [sysdba/sysoper] to <user's name>.
user may be anyone on which sys is going to give sysdba and sysoper privileges.
when we connect as sysdba then at prompt its display user as SYS, so far so good but when we connect as sysoper prompt displays as PUBLIC, now in default user list of Oracle there is SYS exists but there is no any user showing in name of PUBLIC?