Wednesday 6 June 2012


sqlplus options:-

1. sqlplus /nolog :

  • Starts SQL*Plus but does not log on (connect) a user/session.

C:\>sqlplus /nolog
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on on Sun Apr7 09:01:36 2012
Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

2. sqlplus -v :

  • This option shows users about the version of sqlplus.

3. sqlplus -l username/wrongpassword :

  • This option allows user to login in sqlplus only once correctly & if it fails then user'll be directed to   DOS mode.

  • Otherwise 3 times login request is made.

4. sqlplus scott/tiger:

  • This option allows user to direct login with scott by just specifying username & password as username/password.

5. sqlplus scott/tiger as sysdba:

  • This option allows normal user to login as sysdba privileges.It'll act as a sysuser for the particular session.It'll use all system privileges which a sysuser has. 

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